Thursday, August 04, 2005

a fly on the wall (or overheard e-mail conversations during work)

[m] I got Starflyer 59’s TALKING voice vs. singing voice........first song –THE CONTEST COMPLETED- is amazing,
it is sneaking up on me.

[f] Yes, I love the vocal harmonies on that album.
The first song is great and I also really like GOOD SONS, A GOOD LIVING, SOFTNESS GOODNESS,
heck they are all good.

I picked up STARS-set yourself on fire this weekend. I am still wrapping my ears around it. I love the male/female vocal exchanges. AGELESS BEAUTY is a perfect song and very beautiful.

second song....EASY STREET is a great transition from the first one, almost a slower extension of the first one.

stars are great.
get their other album........HEART, which is equally as good.

and i mentioned Ken Stringfellow earlier, i really like his stuff. he used to sing with POSIES.
album called....TOUCHED is the one to get.

latest and last Luna album RENDEZVOUZ is another good album. if you dont have it yet, you should get it.
it is full of slow dreamy songs. got the new WEEZER, i am not sure about that sound. it has some good songs,
but the whole album is almost very close from being a super cheesy album.

Is the Stars –HEART a hard album to find, because I haven’t seen it in any stores? I suppose I can get it online.
Does it differ from SET YOURSELF ON FIRE?

I’ll have to check out the new Luna. I love slow dreamy songs!

HEART is a little happier, less edgy. the song 'HEART' is fantastic, it is one of those songs that you want
to go back to it over and over. sounds little like 'death cab' there.
i would get it from, would be less than 10 bucks.

new luna is very good. it is a nighttime cd (except one song...speedbumps). his voice is mellow and deep,
very clean guitar chorus, not that many instruments, strip down to the basics, lyrics are simple,
he does not repeat most lines, like lou reed or jonathan richman. this is an album i will listen to during a sunset
looking at the ocean with someone i love.

speedbumps is the only fast song, which is amazing. it has so much energy you cant believe.
there is a line in that song that says.....

'On the way, to Kansas City.

Who are we supposed to be?

It's raining rain, it's raining snow

Tell me where you wanna go'


windarkwingod said...

Makes me want to hear the SF & Luna. Just wondering if there is an invasion of privacy issue since the Emails written in an online conversation were meant for the participants and not for general publication over the internet. I liked it though - send more.

f o r r e s t said...
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f o r r e s t said...

That was a conversation between me and my friend Mamun that took place during a day at work. He works a few blocks away and I haven't seen him in a while, but every once in a while, we'll catch up on and recommend music for each other.

I thought it was kind of a strange thing to carry on like you are talking through email-so I posted it.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating!! I love the music talks on this blog. I will have to come back and check.

I need to check out some of those bands.

f o r r e s t said...

i could talk non-stop about music. If you put me and BB together-watchout!