Thursday, August 04, 2005

100% boy

(…this one is for my sister-in-law “T”)

Goose, who is now in his second year and eight month, is now 100% boy.

First, we started potty training this week. Off goes the diapers; on goes the tightie whities. It is a funny sight to see his skinny little legs and now his tiny little butt running around the house full speed.

Second, the spirit of adventure is alive. He is climbing everything that goes up and leaping back down to the ground. He will jump from sofa to sofa. He loves to spin himself dizzy, play roly-poly on the ground, and attempt summersaults.

Third, his vocabulary is quite stellar. I thought boys weren’t supposed to be so wordy, but this guy will talk your ear off and he knows big words.

Fourth, he has discovered the importance of pockets and their use for collecting all things fascinating. Some of his favorite objects I have pulled out of his pockets are interesting rocks (especially white shiny ones,) small twigs, leaves, etc. But the best is when he pulled something brown out of his pocket and said “Look Dad, his legs came off.” I then feel his pocket and hear a crunching sound. I reach in and pull his pocket inside out to release his small collection of cicada shells that he collected from outside.

Fifth, I taught him to throw a ball overhand.


windarkwingod said...

HA that's awesome... cicadas!

Anonymous said...

Yes, boys and pockets - there is a special connection.

I used to stuff my pockets with rocks when I was a little boy.