Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Christmas Vacation

Christmas vaction is now over and here I am again sitting at my desk at work looking into a flat screen. The 21st of December was my last day of work for the year. I was able to spend 12 full days with my family.

Vacation started Wednesday the 21st after work , I came home and we packed the car and drove south on 71 highway to Bella Vista, Arkansas. Christmas with my Grandparents...the rest of the family was arriving later on Thursdays, so I decided to beat the crowd and be the first ones there the night before.

Soon, on Thursday, my parents arrived along with my sister and her husband. And then a little bit later my Mom's sister, my aunt and uncle arrived with there two teenage boys. There boys were really gentle and sweet with our little guys.

We did all the fun stuff down there: went on hikes, ate lots of food, and lots of my grandma's swedish christmas cookies and the world's best penut butter balls, opened christmas presents, and made lots of trips to wal-mart.

Friday afternoon we left to come back home. This would give us a good night of sleep for our boys to take on the craziness of our traditional christmas eve celebration.

We went over to my parent's house for Christmas Eve. I was anxious for the day to begin, so Goose and I went over early so that I could sip some egg nog with my dad and read some christmas books out of my mom's collection to Ewan. We just enjoyed the calm before the storm. At the right time everybody showed up. All of my family in Kansas City. The events are something like a large dinner and then sometime later we open presents. Between dinner and presents my sister did something really cool that I didn't know she was doing and I'll have to let her explain it sometime. (I hope she'll tell the story on her site.)

Christmas morning, we woke up and found that Santa visited our house last night and left us stockings filled with goodies. Later that morning Vernal's family came over for breakfast and lunch. Vernal made some yummy quiches and for lunch we had Smoke House BBQ. Again we exchanged gifts and all that stuff.

The rest of the week was spent playing with presents, finding ways to spend christmas cash, and going places around town. I got to stay up late and sleep in a little. I got to watch a few movies and finally saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I also had a chance to work on a few paintings and listen to lots of music.

We had our friends, my college roommate, Dan and his wife Christie and their son over for New Years Eve dinner and games. We grilled some burges and Polish sausages and had lots of good food. New Years Day was a warm and sunny 69 degrees. I have had enough winter and now I am ready for spring so bring it on!

My next few post will probably be commenting on certain events over the last month as they pop in my head. A lot events happened and I don't want to forget about them. I guess it will make up for my absense the last couple of weeks.

I am glad everybody is back and look forward to seeing you soon!


T said...

good to have you back in blogland! Sounds like you had a great vacation!

Aren't big family gatherings with all the delicious food the best!?!

f o r r e s t said...

You are right!

I forgot to mention that I royally pigged out for 12 days.

I need to eat fruits and veggies again.

shakedust said...

"New Years Day was a warm and sunny 69 degrees. I have had enough winter and now I am ready for spring so bring it on!"

I loved the New Years Day weather. I wish it would stay like that.

f o r r e s t said...

I know! Christmas is over, there is know no need for cold or snow. It's time to get back outside. I think it is suppose to be in the 60's this weekend.

GoldenSunrise said...

Yeah, I have had enough of the cold weather. It was fairly nice in Pennsylvania.

Glad you had a fun vacation and had lots of good food.

Dash said...

The real question is .... are the Christmas decorations all put away?

Our house is back to normal ...sorta.

f o r r e s t said...

Yes, actually, the christmas decorations are put away. We took down the tree the day after christmas and dropped it off at Porter Park in Prarie Village.-I was thinking if somehow you can delay christmas for a week, you could pick us some nice and expensive real trees from the drop off.-

Thanks to Vernal and Goose, the lights came off the house yesterday. Come to think of it, I believe Vernal and Goose took down and put away all the decorations while I was sleeping or napping. Thanks guys!

Stephanie said...

It was 85 in Texas on New Year's. We had the A/C on. Weird!