Wednesday, September 21, 2005

too much television

A few weeks ago, several of my co-workers and I were sitting outside in our back courtyard under a few trees in the shade of the surrounding brick buildings. The conversation turned toward television. I know it is very unfashionable to admit that you watch or enjoy watching TV. (Like I just read in the book Blue Like Jazz last night, people usually throw out that they don’t watch television just to sound more intellectual.) But as with any group of people, once you begin to talk about TV you soon find that you are not alone and everyone has their shows they watch.

I had a friend in college admit to me the he loved television. He said that to me as we were bumming in his room after we finished a big project for one of our design classes. We were probably watching the Real World, Saved by the Bell, or re-runs of the Dukes of Hazard. With all the work we did, it felt great to totally vegg. He said his proclamation with the tone of “I know its uncool, but who are we kidding? Television is great.”

I was surprised just how much TV our small group of 10 people covered. We covered sit-coms, dramas, action, Medical, the different CSI’s and spin-offs, the reality shows. I think the collective group covered just about all the shows that I can think of, not to mention the cable shows that I know nothing about. We even got talking about the new shows this season that look good.

What is in the hatch?
What is Vaughn’s real name?

Those are some of the cliffhangers from Lost and Alias that I am looking forward to.

You have to admit it is a fun way to kick back and relax after a long day. We usually tape our shows and watch them when the kids are in bed.


Stephanie said...

I didn't get to watch much tv, then came TIVO! I love tv now! What's frustrating is, I like the "bad shows". I don't want to like them. But I Do- a lot! Bring on Desperate Housewives and Gray's Anatomy. I'm ready.

shakedust said...

I am actually quite annoyed that my schedule is structured around what shows are on that I like. Someday I may actually do something about that and cut back... yeah right.

T said...

My kids love tv, they are trying to get us to give in and find a show that we can watch together. N is working hard to have us watch The West Wing now that it's on Sunday's!

f o r r e s t said...

It used to be easier when there was nothing good on TV and when we lived a busy life of going out all the time. But with finishing my exams and having to stay home with the kids and shows like Lost and Alias, etc....oh well.

I read when I get in bed after watching TV.

GoldenSunrise said...

I have always loved television. And there are a lot of good shows on. Monday night I watched "How I met your mother" It has Doogie Houser and Alyson Flanigan in it. I liked it..and will probably tune in next time. Tuesday will probably be Amazing Race. Lost and Martha Stewart Apprentice on Wednesday. Thursday is Survivor and Alias. I have Fridays free!