Thursday, September 22, 2005

Houston, we have a problem!

I bet you thought I’d be writing about Coldplay today. Maybe tomorrow, I am still soaking it in.

My mom told me last night that my Aunt (her sister), Uncle and their two boys packed as much as they could in 3 cars to evacuate Houston. Their oldest boy just got his license. They live on the south side of Houston in Clear Lake and fear that they won’t have a house to come back to.

I am curious to know what was packed in those cars. With the thought of losing everything, what could you not part with? Hmmm!

They didn’t leave yesterday, because there were reports that it took 4 hours just to get to downtown Houston. They are on the road now and many people fear running out of gas. Many people have already.

If you are the praying kind, please remember my family and all the other people trying to get to safety.


T said...

We'll be praying for them. Keep us posted on how they are doing.

GoldenSunrise said...

I hope they make it out ok. Were are they headed? Arkansas?

f o r r e s t said...

Thank you guys! Yes, they'll be heading to my grandparents in Arkansas and maybe even kansas city depending on circumstances.

shakedust said...

I cannot imagine having to make decisions about what to keep and what not to keep based on what would fit in my car.

What else can be said?

MsMayhem said...

Count me in, Forrest

f o r r e s t said...

update from my sister:

Auntie Gay, Craig and the boys are not in too good of shape. Last night they took a turn onto an east bound highway, which appeared to be a good idea. however, now the hurricane has turned causing all of the people in that new area to now evacuate. They are about 4 miles south of St. Augustine, and Craig's truck is on empty. They are projected that it will take about 2 more hours to get to St. Augustine where they are hoping has a gas station with gas. however, craig's truck will not make it. they're going to have to make a tough decision (leave the truck or wait out the storm). it is projected that where they currently are will be affected by the storm; however, to what extent is not known. please pray. if God can keep the oil jars full, he can keep Craig's truck full.

MsMayhem said...

keep us posted

f o r r e s t said...

Report from Lou Lou:

They made it to a gas station; they have gas!! Traffic is still slow, and they're currently stuck on a bridge...but they have gas!

Stephanie said...

I'm still praying for them. Please let us know when they make it G-ma and G-pa's. I cannot imagine having my 16 year old driving it that traffic. Are you guys going to go to Arkansas at all?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear they have gas and are going again. Will keep them in prayer.

What I would take (based on having lived through a CAT 3 hurricane and losing 5 days of power; and living on 2 quarts of water and 1200 calories a day in 105 F desert for over a week:
1. "Important Papers" file
2. 1 blanket/sleeping bag per person
3. 2 sets clothes, 10 sets underwear, 10 set socks, jacket/coat/gloves and hat per person
4. 2 5-gallon cans (1 for water, 1 for gas)
5. Portable generator (if it will fit in vehicle)
6. Hunting knife and pistol/shotgun with 100 rounds of ammunition.
7. 5 gallons bottled water
8. Backpack propane/butane heater
9. Large saucepan, eating utensils
10. Large thermos of STRONG coffee
11. Dry foods/canned goods to last 7 days (3 cases of MREs).
12. Water purification system
13. CASH - $500
14. First Aid Kit - include all pain killers, antibiotics, etc. (past and present).
15. Large bottle of multivitamins
16. Personal hygiene items
17. 4 person tent with tarp.
18. Cartons of cigarettes/a case of beer (not for personal consumption, these are better than cash if you need to trade for something)

MsMayhem said...

that is amazing

f o r r e s t said...

Wow Taz! That is a great list. I definately need to keep ahold of that. I think it would work well for other natural disasters too.

f o r r e s t said...

Hey guys,
Thanks for all your prayers! They are safe at my granparents in Arkansas. (after driving for about 24 hours.) It also looks like rita will miss Houston.

MsMayhem said...

glad to hear it