Saturday, April 09, 2005

Starflyer 59

I am extremely excited for the new Starflyer album that comes out this Tuesday.
I have been able to preview a few of the songs and you can too, if you click on this link:
They have written another perfect 'pop' song called "good sons." It should make them huge and everyone will recognize their greatness, but it probably go unnoticed. Too bad, because so many of the bands today that are getting a lot of hype wish they could write songs that are half as good as Jason Martin.


windarkwingod said...

I wanna pimp my bands too - how did you do that!?!
{Portuguese Style?} BLUE

f o r r e s t said...

I did get the song book. I am a bit of a collector, because I am not a serious guitar player. It is nice, though, to have the lyrics.