Friday, April 08, 2005

Discovering Your Neighbors

We have a new neighbor. He is a single guy with a dog. He is probably in his fifties. I am not sure if he lives in the house next to us yet. It was for sale last summer and the guy who lived their previously was in his '80s and I think he lived their since the 1960. (He was moving to one of the warmer states to live in a condo that is maintenance free.) The interior looked like it hadn't been touched since the 1960's. So, I can understand why our new neighbor said he was going to do some fixing up before he moved in. But I still don't know if he officially is moved in yet. I see him over there a lot working on things, but at night the house seems dark. I really don't know the guy yet and I haven't talked to him a whole lot. I did sign off to say it was okay for him to put a fence up for his little yapper to run around, but I had no idea he was going to put his fence right up next to mine (running parallel.) That is quite odd, I think. What do you do with grass or leaves that fall in between the two fences? Not to mention the fact that his chain link fence is a whole foot higher than mine and the rest of the neighborhoods. I don't think cocker spaniels can jump that high.

Here is next thing that makes me go "mmmh!" about my neighbor. A couple of days ago as I am leaving for work and driving past his house, I see this big blue circular object sitting in his front yard. It is like 3 feet in diameter…a big blue ball. Is it a ball? A bomb? A piece of art? I think it is art. A homing device for spaceships? It looks like it is made of concrete and is sitting on a pedestal. I am not saying this is a bad thing and I love art. I just think it is interesting and wonder what type of person would put a big blue concrete ball in their yard. My old neighbors used to have a little statue of Mary blessing the bushes she was planted in. That told me they were catholic. Should I assume my new neighbor is an alien? An art lover of basic geometric shapes? Or maybe a sales rep for those big aerobic balls?


Dash said...

So is the ball reflective, translucent, opaque ...? The reflective balls were big yard art in rural indiana when i lived there - then again, so were the the little yard signs that look like an old lady bending over to work in the garden.

I am so driving by tonight to check the ball .. and the fence out.

windarkwingod said...

I'm on the ball too.... It's a trip what people do with fences. Driving down I-70 you can see these huge ranches divided by two fences about 15 feet apart running parallel for miles. It is usually the result of a property dispute in which the land between the fences is neglected. They call it a devil's alley because it is impossible to travel through because of the neglect.... Also, the big blue ball might be an egg, and when it hatches, he'll have to keep the giant Tyranasaurus Robin next to your backyard...

Anonymous said...

christmas tree in March...yard art? sometimes art happens by default - then ends up in the kinko's dumpster when the wife harps enough.