Saturday, May 27, 2006

203 - make up stories

(I am posting quite a few for you guys since I'll be out all week, so make sure you read all the previous posts. Pace yourself, if you have to.)

Here is a little game for you:

Make up stories about what activities Vernal and I are doing in the comments sections. Make them funny so I'll have a good laugh when I get back.

I really need to go to bed now.

Have a good week.


windarkwingod said...

I picture you and Vernal in the cool twilight of the Rocky Mountains. Perhaps a chilled bottle of non-alcoholic apple-cider as you take turn wearing a very special pendant, sketching each other in Forrest's Special Scrapbook...

GoldenSunrise said...

It is Memorial Day morning. You both are probably still sleeping. When you wake up, you will be giddy that there are no little ones jumping on your bed. You will stay in bed and soak that moment in. To make things fun, you will have a pillow fight and start jumping on the bed.

shakedust said...

Early in the week Forrest wakes up and slips some socks on. Unable to find his shoes he resorts to using sandals. "No one will notice," he thinks to himself. "We aren't going out until later today."

Once the sandals are on the feet Forrest feels a rush of excitement that he has not known until today. He realizes that he has the best of both worlds with this combination. Socks to keep his tootsies warm, but sandals to let them breathe. Why had he let the thought of a social faux pas keep him from this great comfort his entire life? Things will be different now!

By the end of the week, though, constant teasing from Vernal and Doc changes this opinion, and Forrest never lets on to anyone else that he gave in to that little taste of heaven in his trip to the Rockies. What happens in Colorado stays in Colorado.

T said...

As they awake on Tuesday morning, forrest looks at Vernal and says "whatever you want to do today we will do." Of course he assumes that they have so much in common that she'll want to do something that he could be enthusiastic about.

Much to his chagrin she smiles and says, "let's go bowling!" He finds out later that night that not only was she not kidding, but he has a very sore arm from the bowling marathon she apparently had in mind. 26 games of bowling, he didn't realize you could play that many in one day!

Never again will he mutter the words, "whatever you want, dear" again! The only good thing to happen that day was he got to try out the new bowling shoes that were created just for Colorado tourist, sandals. And all he brought were his white tube socks!

Dash said...

Thursday evening, Forrest is feeling restless and no Colorado coffee house can give him an assurance that all is right in the world.

In a flash of inspiration, Vernal tosses him - gibbering and bemoaning the pending breakup of starflyer - into the back of the car and begins her nearly 3 hour drive to the one place that will restore his sanity.

In the low hills above Aspen, he is restored ... sitting on a rough-hewn park bench made from aged fir trees. Slowly, he opens his eyes as the soft words fill the missing pieces of his soul:

"He was born in the summer of his twenty seventh year
coming home to a place he'd never been before."

He holds tight to Vernal and cries - there in the midst of John Denver Memorial park - surrounded by the lyrics of his best-loved songs ... carved forever into the living rock.

All is well as his tears fall, seemingly from the sky above. He feels the salt in them as they are absorbed into his partially exposed socks.

GoldenSunrise said...

On a whim, Vernal and Forrest decide to rough it one night and pitch a tent. He keeps Vernal awake all night by singing love songs of the '80's. "I wanna know what love is" was heard echoing in the mountains.

Stephanie said...

you guys are good!

Doc said...

Despite the promise of a fun day riding down the alpine slide in Breckenridge, Forrest is arrested for his "hit and run" incident involving a blue-haired lady who used the brake on her sled to achieve an average speed of 2 mph all the way down the track in front of him. "Officer, I couldn't slow down," he pleaded, but it was to no avail. So off to jail he went, as Ms. Blue Hair went off to her lawyer to acquire a neck brace and talking points for the upcoming civil suit.

Vernal, in search of bail money, took a temporary job as a "saloon girl" at Quincy's in Leadville. The pay wasn't much, but the tips came generously as she learned to use the combination of altitude, attitude, and alcohol to her advantage.

Soon Vernal had saved enough for bail and was able to spring Forrest from the slammer. All charges were eventually dropped when Ms. Blue Hair died of unrelated causes (driving through the Eisenhower Tunnel the wrong way.) They returned to Kansas a little poorer, but a lot wiser.

shakedust said...

Is that what really happened? :) Truth could be stranger than fiction!

shakedust said...

It just occurred to me that maybe you wanted us to talk about makeup stories rather than to make up stories. I almost wrote something then realized that Dar is now the expert.

f o r r e s t said...

All very funny. We'll see who comes the closest.