Sunday, May 21, 2006

I lost my battery charger

It became apparent to us in the last week that we were missing our camera battery recharger. We have a Cannon Digital Elph and it's recharger is compact and the same size as the camera-good design.

At first, I didn't look to hard for's gotta be around the house somewhere. But as the batteries started dying, the need for the charger called us into duty. I looked everywhere. The two most common areas (if it is not in the camera bag) are either at the computer or in the kitchen where we do the recharging.

I looked over those areas carefully - several times. No luck. Time to think...the cars. It could have slipped out of the camera bag in the car and fallen between the seats. Nope. BB's car. He drove to Lawrence and I had my camera with me. Nope. Is it at my desk at work? No. My jackets? No. Under beds? No. In drawers, on top of dressers, behind furniture. No, no, and no.

This is not good. We have vacation coming up and we need a battery charger. We don't loose things. I went to Best Buy this weekend to see if they have replacements. They do. A brand that is not Cannon, but is made for Cannon batteries and cameras. It's not small and compact. The packaging is big and it looks like it is made of several pieces. It cost forty dollars! I went ahead and bought it, but I kept it in the packaging just in case a new revelation came to one of us about the whereabouts of our battery charger.

That revelation came. "Thinking" plays a big part when trying to find a missing something. Where could it be? And it hit me - a place that I didn't look, but made perfect sense. I was sitting at the computer and I thought what if it fell between the desk and the bed, but got stuck in between? That explains why I didn't see it on the floor. As soon as I thought that I knew it was there. I reached my hand in and felt around. There it was. I felt it's rectangular shape.

I am so relieved. Yes, because I get to return the inferior product and get my money back, but mainly because I like the original charger. I was sad that I was going to lose it forever. Not now.


shakedust said...

There are few things more frustrating than looking for something that you thought for sure was left in location x. I used to lose things so often that I had to institute a policy that specific items are only ever placed in specific locations.

It will also be nice to get the $40 back.

T said...

Yay...want to help us find the small gray remote to our tv so we can shut off dash's captioning when he's not here! :)

We did a complete search on Friday night before watching N's shows. It's the actual tv remote, we only use it to turn on and off the captioning and it's gone--for now. I still have high hopes of finding it. Although we figure it probably got thrown away in a pile of papers and is gone forever.

Dash said...

T .. why don't you just ask the computer (as voiced by Majel Roddenberry) to locate the missing remote. I still can't belive you knew who that is!!!!!!!

"....the Sanyo remote - is located on holodeck 9 ... the holoprogram is active - but malfuntioning."

Anonymous said...

If I lose something like my car keys and can't find them, I simply ask someone to look in the room where I lost them. Usually, they find them in 10 seconds because their mind is not pre-conditioned to expect the keys to be "lost" in a certain location.

Stephanie said...

You inspired me to search for Alaina's missing library book. Tomorrow's the last day of school and they want me to send a check for the book. After reading your blog, I knew I would find it. No luck, I sent the check this morning. I'm sure "Germs Make Me Sick" will show up tomorrow.

GoldenSunrise said...

Seminole, I bet "Jerms" makes you sick sometimes too.

Dust doesn't bother getting up to look for something. He just yells, "Golden, where is the ...."
: )

Achtung BB said...

glad you found it

shakedust said...

In my defense Golden usually knows where the "..." is.

f o r r e s t said...

I hear you Dust. I know how it goes. You either spend 15 minutes looking for something or you ask the one who knows where everything is in the house.

windarkwingod said...

I love the feeling of think it through and going right to it!

roamingwriter said...

I had a bad spell of losing things last fall. It was freaking me out, effecting my confidence. The most expensive thing was a gold bracelet from Dar, but other expensive things too. The bracelet turned up at someone's house I'd been in for 5 minutes 4 months prior. That was a sign to me that a. God can take care of me when I give up, and b. that the losing streak was ended.

Dash said...

C-man is our official " " finder. He delivers the lost item withn 2 minutes.

but still no sanyo remote.