Thursday, May 11, 2006

who's in your apartment?

Back in the days when we all lived in apartments, would you have noticed if 15 people had been in your apartment earlier that day? Without any sort of notice, would it freak you out if the landlord let a bunch of people in to look around?

Guess what I got to do the other day? Yes, that's right! I was one of about 15 people looking at different occupied apartment units. It is a new project that I'll be working on. We are going to convert the apartments into condos for sale.

It was a strange experience, to be let in on these stragers lives. And they'll probably be none the wiser about our visit. I did think about moving something that would make the tenant question their surroundings, but the landlord was watching carefully. I did take pictures, though. (work related.)

Some units where a mess with clothes all over the place - underwear and bras on the floor. Some lived minimally, and some had flatscreen TV's. I saw money, passports, purses, pictures, books, videogames, cheap furniture, nice furniture, personal artwork. Some units were clean. The biggest surpise was a guy's unit that was spotless and he had about 20 bike in the spare bedroom with a little makeshift bike shop. was interesting.


shakedust said...

Wow... that might have actually bothered me. As I have mentioned, I do value my privacy. How did they know for sure that the tenants would be gone, I wonder.

When we were in an apartment complex there was a clause in our lease that they could only enter without giving 48 hours notice in the case of emergency.

windarkwingod said...

I love to snoop. Roamer and I have our own version of "Ecotourism" we call it "Ricotourism"... peeking into rich people's windows at night and trying to snoop long enough to see how they live (without getting busted...)

GoldenSunrise said...

I notice when things are moved. I know if someone has been at my desk at work. Part of my OCD. I line up pens and etc. neatly.

I love snooping! I like going to garage sales just to see what kind of stuff people have.

f o r r e s t said...

**How did they know for sure that the tenants would be gone, I wonder.**

The landlord knocked on the door and hollered "anybody home?"

For all I know, maybe the landlord did send out a notice that people might be viewing their apartments; but by the condition of some of those units, I would have tried to tidy up. I would have been embarrassed to have people walk over a pile of dirty underwear.

Darwin, just how close do you get to these windows. I don't know about Spain, but there are laws in our country...

T said...

We had a clause in our appartments too. I think I'd be rather bothered by them coming in without notice. But I always knew there would really be no way of knowing if they did or not.

Stephanie said...

I love to snoop! I was always paranoid when I lived in an apartment though. I was afraid they'd do the "anybody home?" yell and I'd be in the shower and not hear them. Then I'd walk out and find strangers in the apt. Never happened, but I worried about it a lot. That would have made your day more exciting.

Anonymous said...

At work, I purposely leave out intriguing, but misleading items or info. The latest myth I have perpetuated is that I have 8 children.