Monday, October 03, 2005

Who said that smoking is bad for your health???

I didn’t write anything over lunch today because my fingers were covered in BBQ sauce from the ribs that I was eating.

In honor of the great American Royal BBQ championship going on this weekend, I decided that I would smoke some meat too. It is a little hobby that I am slowly getting into. I am still learning my meat lingo. This weekend I tried Pork Ribs. They were packaged as pork loin back ribs. So far I have smoked: Pork Loin, Pork Butt, Brisket, and now Pork Ribs.

Smoking meat is a long slow process, which is why I don’t do it too often. But we didn’t have any major plans on Saturday and the weather was a little on the cool side and I was getting the vibes from all the BBQ’ers at the American Royal…so why not? I smoked my ribs for about 6 hours. It is very much a process to achieve the end result, so maybe that is why I am attracted to it. You got to prepare the meat with dry rubs, get the grill ready and the fire going, fill up the water pan, put the meat on the grill, continue to check the fire and the water pan, enjoy the smells. I think the best part is just smelling the smoke as it funnels out the top of smoker.

It is all about the smells.


shakedust said...

That is one thing I love about living in the KC area -- smelling the smoked BBQ no matter where you go.

f o r r e s t said...

I almost thought about calling some of you guys, cuz I had a ton of ribs and they are no fun to enjoy just by yourself.

Maybe some time in the future we'll have a BBQ.

Dash said...

hmmm ... maybe I'll provide a campsite and breakfast... you could provide the dinner and the smells. I too love the smell of meat smoking (especially over hickory).

Now - if only we new someone that could play guitar and lead in some capfire songs?????


Anonymous said...

Ribs are great stuff. My compliments on your culinary habits.

I had a buddy who does this:

Smears his ribs with mayo and lets them sit overnight. The next day he wipes off the mayo and slathers them in sauce and puts them on the smoker/grill. He swears they make great ribs, but I would hate to waste a good slab on mayo. Also, ever tried smoking/steam flavor them with apple juice in the pan? Been wanting to try it.

f o r r e s t said...

I think Taz strums around with the guitar on occassion.

I never heard of the mayo before; I have heard of smearing the meat in penut butter. I have heard good things about the apple juice. I'll have to give it a shot sometime.

Stephanie said...

I'm not a "smoked" flavor fan. I guess it's not so bad in BBQ, but I really hate it in deli meat. (Like smoked turkey or mesquite turkey lunch meat.)

I'm also not a fan of camping, but you guys are starting to make it sound like fun.

f o r r e s t said...

Ahh! Sunset. I've missed you.

T said...

Sounds yummy!