Thursday, October 20, 2005

Lunch at the River Market Brewery

So yesterday, I went out to lunch with my co-workers to the River Market Brewery. It was a nice day and I hadn’t been out for lunch in a while, so I thought why not. This group doesn’t go out that much anyway and my packed lunch will keep for tomorrow.

We are on a budget since we are a one income family, so I don’t go out that often, but it is not going to kill us. My line of thinking is all about priorities. If I don’t spend money on eating out for lunch, then I can justify buying some music every now and then (or now and now.) Sit down places aren’t cheap either when you include a drink and tip.

There were about 12 of us at one table. I decided to just have water; it’s healthier and it’ll save a couple of dollars. I ordered the blue plate lunch special; it sounded pretty good and it was cheaper than the other lunch items. I am being very frugal.

Finally, the bill comes, which is always a mess with a large group – some have cash, some use credit. It can take half an hour passing the bill around to see how much you owe. Someone had the bright idea to just split the bill evenly and divide by 12.

NO FAIR!!! Communisms Sucks!

Moral of the Story –
Next time, I am gonna have a big fat coke and order a burger with 3 cheeses and extra bacon.


Anonymous said...

I hear you on that one. Last week I went out with my friends for Thai food, and I ordered (seriously) the cheapest item and had just water. The others had bubbled teas, appetizers, and more expensive entrees. And what did we end up doing....splitting the bill. I ended up having to pay $5 more. I'm always bitter about things like that because it's amazing what I can buy with an extra $5.

GoldenSunrise said...

I would be a little bitter about that too. I am surprised someone didn't say that wouldn't be fair for someone who bought a cheaper item with water.

f o r r e s t said...

Oh yeah, everybody throw in $12 dollars and that should cover the bill.

I was going more for $8.

f o r r e s t said...

probably $9.

shakedust said...

Yeah, I don't care for doing things with people when they don't have a budget.

"No, of course I don't mind spending $15 for lunch."

Anonymous said...

I totally feel you on this one. That has happened to me countless times. Even if you decide to pay with your card and everyone gives you cash,you still end up getting shafted one way or another.

jordancia said...

hahahaha. if that happens again, just pay what you owe and walk out. that's what i would do... hah.

Anonymous said...

I just tell the waiter/waitress up front that I may have to leave early and to go ahead and separate my ticket and to bring me my bill when they bring me my meal. If I have to do this discreetly, I excuse myself to "go the restroom," find my waiter and put in my request. For good measure, I tip them well, sometimes on the spot (still cheaper than the "split the bill" thingy). When the meal is winding down, I exit with my bill while everybody else haggles. The waiter is usually cool with this because they know crowds, even small ones, tend to "stiff" their waiter when the bill gets split. If they see their gratuity up front, they more likely to be endeared to my request.