Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Whoops! (A total lack of judgement)

I found this letter with the U2 exhibit in the RocknRoll Hall of Fame. BTW, Paul Hewson is Bono's real name.

RSO Records
10th May 1979

Dear Mr. Hewson,
Thank you for submitting your tape of "U2" to RSO. We have listened to it with careful consideration, but feel it is not suitable for us at present.

Yours sincerely,

Shelley Call


windarkwingod said...

RS "who" (RS where are they now?) Interesting following the story of Linkin Park and Warner. Too many details, but Warner's main income-earning band (Linkin Park) is upset that our of $800 million, all the artists on the Warner label are only getting $7 million to split. The rest is going to execs and stockholders. Weird.

roamingwriter said...

I've got a bunch of those letters about stories I've written and books I've written! Always makes me feel a bit better to know the big guys got letters like that too. I suppose it means I shouldn't give up. It certainly gets old though.