Thursday, September 14, 2006

240 - Thursday at work

These guys (Blue Angels) are flying overhead right now and it is hard to concentrate on work when you here a screeeeech come zooming by. We keep running to the windows to watch/catch a glimpse but I am usually to late. I stood outside during lunch to watch for a little bit.

THERE GOES ANOTHER loud and fast. This is exciting. My heart is beating fast.

BTW...I work downtown and they are flying form the downtown airport. I think I want to take the boys to the air show this weekend. I forgot how impressive the planes are.


f o r r e s t said...

Oh my gosh!
I have been running outside a few times and the blue angels are practicing their whole show.

The did their loop to loop then split up at the bottom and one flew right over head and I wasn't sure if it was going to clear the building next to me. It was so load and then it the four came together in a criss cross right in front of me. It was great. It felt a little unsafe.

shakedust said...

That would be so cool.

Few things mix better than boys and planes. Boys and dinosaurs is the only one that comes to mind.

f o r r e s t said...

we've got the red baron pizza squadron out practicing their loops right now.

T said...

What a blast! :)

f o r r e s t said...

THe angels are practicing again. I was outside watching a bit. Others around downtown were also outside on sidewalks and on top of parking garages.

Do you know how hard it is to stay in my seat when I hear them flying by?

Doc said...

I saw the blue angels at an airshow in Grand Junction, CO last summer. I had stopped at a Wendy's for a quick lunch on my way across the state during my epic 3 week roadtrip. All of a sudden as I was walking back to my vehicle, one of the planes came screaming by on a low passover. The sound was like nothing I'd ever heard. Can you imagine if you were an enemy and that plane was loaded and looking to kill you? It made me shiver.

roamingwriter said...

Fun! I too often think the air demonstrations feel a little unsafe. I know nothing will likely happen, but on occasion it does. We had a C-130 fly over our office the other day, it sounded like it was taking the roof off.

windarkwingod said...

My Dad said he could see him as well. Also the occasional "Boom" could be heard as the featured jet-car fired up its jet. Awesome.