Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Philadelphia Part 1

just got back las' night; left Monday morning.

My major objectives on a personal level was to eat an authentic cheese steak sandwich and to get a feel for the city.

My other objectives on a professional level was to meet the contractor and engineering consultants at our site to look through the existing building and then meet the plan reviewer from the Department of Health in Harrisburg (the state capital) for a 10am meeting Tuesday.

I did some research on the cheese steak. I watched this documentary called the GREAT CHEESE STEAK DEBATE about Philly steaks. The main debate between the locals was between Pat's Steaks (the originator of the steak, but dirty old joint), Geno's Steaks (across the street from Pat's, much cleaner, more flashy), and Jim's Steaks (located near the freaks.) Honestly, they looked good and made good points why they are the best. I would have loved to try all...but for this trip I'll start with the supposed original Pat's since 1930.

Another part of the debate is on the type of cheese to put on your sandwich. The choices are Provolone, American, and cheez whiz. Cheez Whiz comes in a can and is the consistancy to ball park nacho cheese. I like provolone, but I was conviced to get the right experience, cheez whiz was the way to go.

I checked out their website before I left: They have pictures and instructions on how to order a steak:

"How to order a Steak"
by I. M. Hungry

Step 1.
Specify if you want your steak with (wit) or without (wit-out) onions.
{if you're not a rookie this should come naturally}
Step 2.
Specify Plain, Cheez Whiz, Provolone, American Cheese or a Pizza Steak.
{we have lettuce and tomatoes / { if we have to read your mind it's 50 cents extra}
Step 3.
Have your money ready.
{do all of your borrowing in line}
Step 4.
Practice all of the above while waiting in line.
{if you make a mistake, don't panic, just go to the back of the line and start over}

I am in line and all I can think of is the Seinfeld Soup Nazi. I almost forgot the lingo, he asked me "onions" and I said"yeah, with onions" and he corrected me and said "Wit." After I had my sandwich I almost made a rookie mistake. I sat down at one of the tables (they are all outdoor) and I got up to get some napkins as the guy I was with wasn't at the table yet. I left my steak on the table and he said a pigeon almost got it before he got to the table. NEVER LEAVE YOUR CHEESE STEAK UNATTENDED!!!

Oh man, oh man, oh man! Was it good! Fresh Italian bread...thinly sliced rib-eye steak, juicey and seasoned to perfection, grilled onions and cheez whiz. Yum!

It is all street parking and with Geno's ( across from Pat's, it is tough to find a spot close. Our table was close to a street intersection where parking is not aloud and some guy pulls his car up to the corner of the intersection, leaves his car on, gets in line. I loved the attitude and the confidence. He was a working class toughie, Italian looking, short, muscular with tattoes all over his arms, cut off shirt, jeans and boots, but he must have his steak-now!


shakedust said...

Great, now I'm hungry.

windarkwingod said...

This should be a segment on the food channel about famous local fare. I love Cheesesteak Alley by Antioch public library - but you went to the birthplace - the original...

f o r r e s t said...

Yes, right now I have a hankering for Cheesesteak alley!
Dust are you still hungry?
Let's go!

Dash said...

I'm suddenly very disapointed wit my nuke-and-eat box of chinese "spicy beef".

I noticed that they have a custard place built in Cheesestake Alley as well. Is it any good??

f o r r e s t said...

Yes, I have had the custard and the custard is good! It seems to be similar to sheridans.