Monday, November 05, 2007

294 - Daylight Savings Time

Just curious...with the extra hour we gained this weekend, do you use it for an extra hour of sleep or for an extra hour of awake time?


I always use it to stay up later. It's not really 3am; it's only 2am.


Achtung BB said...

I didn't realize it was daylight savings until i got to church and realized I didn't need to be there.

shakedust said...

BB, that's funny.

My rationale is usually more, "It's not really 5AM; it's only 4AM." I usually get less sleep during the changeover because I psychologically think I should be taking advantage of the opportunity.

Doc said...

I'm of your perspective forest.

T said...

I always stay up later! :) I'm sure you're shocked!

GoldenSunrise said...

I used to use it for an extra hour of sleep. This year it was an extra hour of awake time from 6-7 am. NJ got up early.

Portland wawa said...

The kids have been getting BB up early all week so that's the downside of daylight savings. And as BB said, we totally forgot about it until church.

postmaned said...

kids go to bed earlier and I stay up later.

roamingwriter said...

Fall back is nice because it's an extra hour of awake with no consequence to the amount of sleep somehow. But spring forward - bad news. It's hard to go to bed at the new proper time.