I don't think I need to go into detail about the U2 side of things, because U2 as always gives an amazing performance.
The 3D was visually stunning and unlike any 3D movie I have seen before. I think it is a new technology for 3D and U2 were the test subjects. All the other 3D movies I have seen before used the 3D as a gimmick to have objects come out at you, but this felt different. It was like you were invited into their world and you were standing in the crowd, hovering above the crowd, or onstage with the band. The world on-screen was richer and deeper as a result of the 3D. Also, I did not have any trouble with the glasses or eyestrain or headaches that sometimes results from a 3D movie.
They also used another really cool technique (and I don't know how to explain it) of layering images. The best example I can come up with is the Theatre when they use a scrim with images on the scrim, yet you can see the acting beyond the scrim.
After a few songs into this performance, I was wishing this technology was available during the ZooTV tour, because they seem to achieve visually what is happening on stage with all the graphics. Fortunately, we are given a taste of what that might have been like when U2 performs the Fly. The screen becomes bombarded with the post-modern word images that were very much a part of the ZooTV experience.
I hope this is the future of movies. It would definitely make the cinema experience worthwhile.
The movie/concert performance flies by quickly and I would totally go see it again.
P.S. Don't leave when the credits start to roll. The music of Yahweh is another live performance that kicks into gear about midway through the song.
I am so jealous. I haven't seen this movie yet. I have every intention of seeing this movie next weekend. It doesn't help that there is only one movie theather in Portland that has it. I hear it is mind blowing. Leave it to U2 to pioneer the 3D concert movie!
This is interesting. Not sure I've seen a 3D since...Disneyworld quite a few years ago. This intrigues me where a movie of U2 wouldn't necessarily get me too worked up.
I saw that U2 3D was coming out, but I did not know exactly what it was. So, it sounds like a 3D concert.
I'm on the fence as to whether I'll watch it.
It is only the best concert you'll ever go to in the confines of a comfy chair.
Dust, I thought the technology aspect alone would interest you. It is definitely not a renter.
After your appraisal, I am sure I will enjoy when BB and I see it, hopefully this weekend. I am looking forward to it, especially the cool 3D images.
I'm burying this comment here since it's more for me than anyone else. I don't really care whether anyone else ever sees this.
I heard "Beautiful Day" playing at the store a couple of days ago, and of course I thought of you. I'm not ready to listen to, or even really hear in the background, U2 songs yet. I'm sure that's not the reaction you'd want, but for now I'm associating U2 with you not being around.
I miss you and look forward to seeing you in Heaven, my friend.
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