Is it uploading or downloading - when I put music on my ipod?
First off, I recently purchased a new ipod classic 160 gig. My original 20 gig classic was maxed out. I saved money, won a gift certificate and combined it with christmas and birthday presents to afford this beauty.
I love it. I feel like I won the lottery and I have a ton of gigs to spend. With my 20 gig, I knew the funds (gigs) were limited compared to the collection of cd's the I have. I had to choose wisely which of my old cd's to upload to my ipod. I reserved much of the space to the new music I have purchased in the last 4 years.
But now space is not an issue and I have been having a good time going through my old albums and downloading them into itunes.
And know I am going to keep you up-to-date with my recent downloads from my collection.

This was the first CD I bought. Christmas 1992, I got a cd player and my switch from cassette to disc began. At the Foot of the Cross is a worship album put together by the folks from the Choir (Derri Daughtery and Steve Hindilong.) I believe these are original and anchient songs and you probably won't here them in any contemporary service. They gathered a talented group of artists to sing and perform. Over all the mood is mysterious. Michael Knott is one of the performers and I was a huge Mike Knott fan in the early '90's.
City on a Hill - Sing Alleluia and the Gathering
Again, these are Worship albums brought to you by the guys in the Choir (Derri and Steve) along with Marc Byrd (Common Children, GlassBryd, and Hammock.) City on the Hill series contains many of the same ideas that came from the At the Foot of the Cross series - good instrumentation, a collection of artist that contribute to the whole and not the individual, and mostly original songs. I am really not a big fan of modern worship music, but I do like these albums, mostly because I respect the artists assembling these collections. The COTH series is a bit more commercial than ATFOTC. It is geared to a wider CCM audience and features some of the top names in CCM.
I am trying to put together some music to play in the background for my art and worship class. I'll eventually have to put together a playlist.
(more later.)
Congrats on the new ipod! I got the classic 80GB a while ago. I think I have around 6,000 songs on it and I have plenty of room still. You will have to start downloading some videos now. I've got some U2, Editors, Coldplay, DM, and Sigur Ros videos that are nice to watch when I have some spare time. I didn't blog about this, but my 80GB gave out in Dec after only owning it for a few months. Fortuately, Apple sent me a new one so at least I'm covered. I'm still in the process of uploading my itunes after my computer crashed this months. It takes a while to download 6,000 songs
I haven't bought praise music in a while. I may have to check them out. The iPod BB got me holds very little, so he has to be choosy about what he puts on. I tell him I want this added and we have to decide what to take out. But I don't think I'm ready to spend the kind of money BB spent on his.
Congrats! I always love a new electronic toy.
"(Because you really don't want to hear my thoughts and opinions on mundane things or stories about my personal life.)"
Two things about this.
1. Ha, ha, ha.
2. Yes I do.
"(Because you really don't want to hear my thoughts and opinions on mundane things or stories about my personal life.)"
Yes we are! :) I think you aren't interested in sharing them!
We have a lot of these CD's. We still do not have ipods. Maybe someday. Dash is starting to talk about it!
Well, I leave all that personal family stuff for my other blog.
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