I picked up this album in the Summer of 2002 at the Virgin Megastore on Michigan Ave in Chicago. Listening to these tunes remind me of that Holiday.

I am very lucky to have this in my possession as it is sought after and hard to find. This is Eric C (Cupie) of the Prayer Chain, Lassie Foundation, and Cush and his brand of drone, post rock noise dreaminess with a wide guest of vocalist and musicians including Jason Martin and Wayne Everett.
Their first two songs "breather" and "pearl" are some of the finest to come out of that early '90's shoegazer/dreampop era.
Starflyer 59 plus Julie Martin. Anything Jason Martin works on is magic and Julie has a golden voice.
Belle & Sebastian - the boy with the arab strap
I have bought many albums because of one song. I first met Belle & Sebastian many years ago in Border's at a listening station. The band was relatively new and the album cover had that "Smith's" look to it. Anyway, on listen to "Sleep the Clock Around" and I had to have the album.

I have every single Joy E release and then some. I am a fan and always will be. I haven't listend to this in a while.
I have a lot of Joy E albums still to upload. It has been years since I have listened to Robot Rock.
Jesus and Mary Chain - 21 singles
Noise pop maybe, but not quite dreampop.
Another dreampop/shoegazer album with dreamy female vocals from the early '90's.
A classic singles album.