An album of mostly instrumental post-rock songs. I listened to this one quite a bit every night as I did the dishes.

Matisyahu - Youth
Every once in a while I pick up an album that I know will challenge my musical tastes. This was that album. Matisyahu is a Hasidic Jew who plays a form of contemporary raggae with a slight mix of hip-hop. It is a very religious album and very Old Testament, with views on the modern world. It is a good listen when I am in the right mood. Unfortunately, hours after I bought the album, I got really sick and was in no mood for any music, let alone reggae. But it seems like it'll be a good spring album.
I really liked the book and the movie is a pretty fun version of the book. I like to see that world come alive on the screen.

The Da Vinci Code
Thanks to BB for loaning me this book. I can honestly say that this book gets people talking. I have never read a book in public before with so many people (strangers) who are curious about it. This was without the cover on and me trying to hide the spine. For some reason, in public places I don't like people to know what I am reading. I find it hard to believe that this book has affected so many people - like they say it has. They ideas aren't new - has anybody taken western civ. in college or just hung out in the dorm room with conspiracy theorist? The book attacks the symbols and traditions of the Catholic church, but we all know that you can't make a judgement on God based on his people. I found the book to be a bit preachy in the same way that I find cheesy christian fiction to be preachy. I felt like I was being hit over the head with the goddess of the sacred feminine. (I was like - Okay, you win. You can make every image and symbol in the world to represent this female goddess. I get it - already!!!) The book acted like it was a big secret that most christian holidays are celebrated on days that were pagan holidays and so when we go to church on Sunday we are secretly worshipping the Sun God??? They don't get that idols and symbols and holidays don't really mean that much to us Christians. Other items where pretty far-fetched, but I'll save those for latter with people who have read the book. I know that they have all these books out that debunk the claims they make in the da vinci code and I would be curious to look through one as I am sure that they hit on the specific claims of the book. But I think Lee Strobel's A Case for Christ answers most of the concerns about the diety of Christ and the authencity of the Gospels. It's a fun read if you like conspiracy theory thrillers.
My brother just told me on Sunday that he loves Matisyahu. I had never heard of him before. I am curious now on what it sounds like.
Did you pick up the new Flaming Lips or Morrisey? Moz's new one is definately an improvement. Don't know if I can say that about the Lips
I don't know what it is about your site, but I always lose at least one comment before I remember to copy what I typed.
You are the third person to mention Matisyahu and the other two talked him up big time, so that must mean something.
Regarding preachiness and conspiracy theories, few things irritate me more. That has more to do with the face that I grew up in the Christian subculture that essentially lives off the stuff, though.
BB - yes, I picked up both of those albums yesterday, and honestly I haven't listened all the way thru on either. So, it is to soon for me to make a judgement on either. Ask me in a couple of weeks and I should have a better idea.
Dust - I love a good conspiracy theory, like I love a good ghost story. I used to listen to the mike murphy radio show and he would always have kook guests on who communicate with aliens. Those shows were fun and higly entertaining.
I find it refreshing that you can say enough already to a preachy pop culture book like Da Vinci. So often it's only preachy if it's Christian, but the opposite can be true too. I never read it but I thought it was weird people were reacting so strongly to ideas that have been around forever. Interesting take.
.... after three scolls, a comment should just be called a post. I've moved my Davinci musings to the dashboard.
by the way ... I'm kinda hurt that I got no feedback on the new pic. Whataya think ... this - or the organge crate label?
I like 'em both. But the Orange crate is easier to read. You have to enlarge the "dash" to catch it's cleverness.
noted .... I'll keep looking.
I like both.
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