Monday, April 10, 2006

the anti-bacterial gel pump

I found myself laughing today as I thought back a few weeks ago when I went out to lunch with some of my former co-workers. It was on my half-Friday and we went to the Flea Market in Westport for burgers. So after lunch, I went back to my former office and chatted with a few people who couldn't make it for lunch.

I was catching up with this girl who we'll call B. She is a talker, so there is no quick conversation. As I am talking to her, this older guy in his late 50's who some call Scooter, but not to his face, comes walking by. Scooter is a chain smoker, small weasel-ly, bald with a little mullet guy who doesn't wash his hands after using the facility. I don't think the name Scooter fits him well since he looks more like an old wizard.

So, Scooter walks by and says hi and asks me how am I doing and in this brief formalities of conversation, we shake hands. (In my head, I was saying "don't shake hands, don't shake hands...Duhhh, I shook hands.)

So B picks up the conversations right up from before we were interrupted and without acknowledging what she was doing, she reaches for the anti-bacterial gel pump sitting on her desk and hands it to me so that I could cleanse my hands. A physical response that has become second nature to her since she sits right next to scooter.

Thank you, B!


T said...

yup, I try to keep either wipes or the pump in my vehicle and/or purse. I believe that in my line of work (snotty noses) I've saved myself a cold or two using it! Good stuff and practical for all sorts of occasions.

Dash said...

you mean we're supposed to wash AFTER using the restroom? .... all this time I've been waching before.


GoldenSunrise said...

that's hilarious!

Dust took some anti-bacterial gel to work recently because of a certain coworker.

shakedust said...

The gel was also because I have been concerned about giving others my germs when I had a cold. It was partially selfish, too.

Doc said...

Hand sanitizers were a great invention. However after you've used them 30-40 times in a given day, good old soap and water feels a lot better. Alcohol rubbed into dry, cracked, and bleeding hands just loses its appeal despite the convenience factor.