I received a nice payment of $40 for taking a survey on horrible top 40 music. (chump change, right?) It was worth it to take their money and buys some good music. Thank you very much!
How far can I make $40 dollars go?

Batman Begins: I haven't seen this movie yet. A friend of mine who I use to work with is really into comic books. I haven't seen him in over a year or so, but he was really excited for this movie. He would show me update pictures of the filming. I happened to run into my soft spoken Asian friend at Best Buy. He looked different. Within a year, he grew his hair long and now looked like he worked for the Asian Mafia, but he still had his friendly voice. This was the day of the Batman dvd release and I said, "I bet I know why you are here." It was good to see him, we caught up a bit, talked about our new places of employment and exchanged our contacts. He convinced me that I would like the movie - he saw it like 5 times at the theater. So why not. I had a Nebraska Furniture Mart (NFM) ad with me that I used.
Price: $9.99

Also at Best Buy, I picked up the new Depeche Mode - Playing the Angel. I have alway liked their sound, but don't own any of their real records (the kind that you buy.) They were one of the important bands of the '80's that defined my musical landscape. I read a lot of good reviews for this record stating that it was a return to their more electronic and darker sound. I love that sound. I also used the NFM ad for this purchace.
Price: $8.49

Kevin Max - The Imposter. Yes, he is the guy in DC Talk. I alway thought he had a unique voice. Now he has the right music to back his voice. This is a Northern Records release - a small indie label who works with some of the best talent. Basically there is a whole network of bands/musicians/friends in SoCal who have put out some of the best music and they play on each others records and turn everything golden. Kevin used these guys to make this record, so you know the music is good. It is a very solid record and gets better with each listen. Unfortunately, this album is not at Best Buy or Borders yet, so I had to go to a Family Life Store and get robbed.
Price: $16.99

I have always liked this scottish electronic band, but have only had mp3's. I read about their new release and was captivated by the reviews. I couldn't find it anywhere in town. I finally asked someone at borders - they had 7 copies ordered and on the way. It finally came and I am starting to wrap my ears around it. Luckily, I had a coupon, because border is expensive.
Price: $12.47
Grand Total: $47.94 - not including tax.
I have this ability to stretch my money a little further than it ought to.
I would really like to hear some of your new tunes. Any progress on a "mixtape"?
Congrats. Makes putting up with an hour of R&B not sound so bad.
pssst. that person up there should just get itunes. then they can listen to all those bands (what I think I'm gonna do, actually probably just the last one. I'm not a DC talk fan, or a depache mode fan....)
ooohh and do you like the Daft Punk song Technologic? it was on an ipod commercial and I love it. but it's hardcore techno, it's even in the song name, so I don't know if you're a huge fan of all that stuff.
ooohh. I like that boards of canada band. I'm gonna get track 5. it's 5 whole minutes! yay! It can replace the harry potter theme as my new favorite study song. (they have to be kindof boring with no/little vocals) haha.
I'm amazed that $40 is basically $50. I'll have to remember that. When you switched contacts with the guy in best buy, did it hurt your eyes and weren't you afraid of dropping the contacts in the store? Sorry that was a Dar moment.
Purple Rain,
My friend, Doc, does have and ipod and itunes and all that, but he is a fan of my mixtapes. You might be at an age where the mixtape has no meaning or you have never seen it's use. I could be dead wrong, so don't get mad. There is a real art to picking out songs and controling the flow of an album. Mixtapes are almost like movies soundtracks. Different types of music fit the moods of the year. It's fun.
I have explained my theories on mixtapes and ipods on earlier posts. If you are bored, go back to september and read "is it time for a new mixtape" and "I love my ipod, but...parts 1 & 2."
I'm not a big DC Talk fan myself, but the new Kevin Max sounds nothing like DCT. It is a very british sounding album and I am a sucker for the british.
I am not sure I know anymore what is meant by techno. I am an electronic music fan. I am more into the heady than the dancy when it comes to electronic music.
(they have to be kindof boring with no/little vocals)...is that a good thing or not...to be boring?:) I know what you mean, that is good music to paint by. Have you checked out the icelandic band Sigur ros?
I have all the songs ready for fall2005, I just need to put it together now. I will have time this week since I am finished with the costumes.
I need to talk to you about the ski trip. Do you check your email?
purple rain,
do you listen to the same song over and over as you study or do you get all your studying done if 5 minutes?
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