This is it. My 100th post.
Vernal said earlier in a comment that I could give you my stance on sandals and socks.
So here it is:

You should never wear socks with sport sandals. If they are made to get wet - no socks. If they are made of rubber, nylon, plastic, and velcro - no socks.

Under no cirmcumstances should one ever wear white tube socks with sandals. (and under no circumstance should one wear plaid shorts with white tube socks and sandals while digging through the garbage.)

Never ever wear white tube socks with leather sandals. (Never ever wear shorts with a purple cuff with the white tube socks and the leather sandals.)

If you wear a leather based sandal, you may wear colored wool socks. But almost never wear shorts when you are sporting the sock/sandal combo, always go for the pants. (the eye patch is optional.)
I need one of those eye patches. That'd be cool.
I am proud to hold that honor for today.
Something occurs to me. Why is it that socks with sandals are so wrong? A lot of things that don't look quite right have been fashionable at some time, so why not sandals with white socks?
Dust, did you not look at the pictures?
Tube socks and sandals have never been fashionable at any time. Tube socks and sandals are just wrong, it defeats it's purpose. It's like wearing a pair of shorts over your swiming trunks.
Sport sandals, for example, are made to get wet and dry quickly. What good does that do if you are wearing tube socks? Your sandals will dry out, but you socks will remain damp.
Really, are they any worse than parachute pants, or the beehive hairdo, or much of anything else that was fashionable at some time? What I am challenging is the idea that socks with sandals is any worse than a lot of the stuff that has actually been in fashion at some point.
What you are missing is that the socks/sandals combo have never been in fashion where everyone thought it was a great idea and now it is out of fashion. There was no time period where the tubesock/sport sandal look was in.
It is just a simple clothing mistake on what not to where. It's no biggie. It's okay to do at home, but I would be embarrassed in public.
Another bad example: Go to wal-mart. There is usually a few women shopper with sweat pants and dress shoes. Do I need to explain why this is wrong and how the functionality doesn't make sense?
BTW, what is wrong with parachute pants?
Not to keep repeating myself, but I believe the best part about sandals is the fact that you don't have to wear socks. No socks to wash, sort, etc. Putting socks with sandles takes away all of the ease that they stand for.
When Frogger saw the picture of the guy with the eye patch he said "Jermy!" and giggled. It made me laugh!!!!
Seminole, your logic is well put.
I still think that ankle socks - (even the white ones) can go well with a pair of leather sandals, especially if you are wearing blue jeans. I'll take the colored socks suggestion under advisement though.
At least I'm a forward thinker in the non-tighty whity department. I stopped buying white underwear while I was in college.
Is it important to match your sandal socks with your boxer briefs?
No white socks with sandals ever! Just say No! Even if they are ankle socks. There are tons of websites devoted to catching these funny fashion blunders. Do not end up on-line.
I say this as a person who hates wearing sandals at all, so I probably will never wear socks with sandals. I am a little tempted to do so to spite those who have issues with them, though. :)
My point is that if a person really wants to wear white socks with sandals isn't it a bit pretentious essentially point and laugh unless we hold the stuff we used to do to the same standard.
For example, it doesn't matter that Zoobas were popular when I wore them, they still looked stupid. It would be hypocritical of me to make fun of sandals with socks if I couldn't take people making fun of my Zoobas when I wore them.
I used to not be a fan of sock with sandals. I have actually seen a lot of people wear them including dash and while I wouldn't because I wear sandals out of convience and if I'm going to put socks on I might as well put on a tennis shoe, I don't mind the white socks with sandals look now.
I am actually happy with the fact that dash doesn't worry about looking cool, he wears what's comfortable and what suits him. He is particular about how he dresses and cares what he looks like. He always looks good in my book, white socks and all (in fact I prefer the white ankle socks to black ones...but I've met dash's dad!:))
I have too many thoughts on the matter to comment here, so I have added a post on my site.
Sorry Dash, I didn't know you were involved in this scandal. Go buy a few pairs of wool sock this season and you'll be looking good.
This whole issue is not about looking cool. It's about looking right. There are certain don'ts when it comes to clothes that our mothers and grandmothers have passed down. This is one of them.
Dust's logic, as I pointed out last night at church, is all wrong. This is not a fashion statement like zooba pants, beehive hairdoos or parachute pants. THis is simply a wardrobe mistake along the same lines as wearing tube socks with your dress shoes and nice slacks as you dress up to go to work or a wedding.
I have seen guys my whole life commit this mistake, but not once was it ever because it was in fashion and everyone was doing it. Dust if you think you can make it fashionable - then go for it.
Another thing, I don't take life too serious and I did this out fun! I mean come on look at the pictures - that is funny. I really don't care if you wear tube socks and sandals. And it is always fun to razzle Dust's feathers when it comes to logic and fashion. Really it is a heart issue.
Tammy-I knew it. I had you in mind when I referred to the wal-mart woman.
My feathers aren't really ruffled. Part of the problem of discussing things online is that there isn't a way to express that.
I know, I just joshing you. Usually it's me that questions the way things are. I love you for that, but not in a gay way.
what does chia say about all of this?
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