Thursday, July 07, 2005

Live Strong Bracelets..... is funny to see grown men wearing these like they are taking part in some high school fad of staying cool.

First off let me say that I have nothing against Lance Armstrong and his bracelets to raise money to fight cancer. I just find it odd that so many older men are getting behind a fad.

Some of the older men at our firm have days when they dress up by wearing slacks and a tie, but on days when they are going business casual -the more sporty look, like I might be going golfing later- they will wear there live strong bracelet.

It's bright yellow. It's a rubberband. It's cheap....And if nobody was wearing them, I doubt they would pick that out to wear when getting dressed in the morning.

I don't think they wear them to make a statement about fighting cancer. I think it has become a symbol for men to identify with a desire that says "I am sporty. I am adventurous. I am outdoorsy. I still have the fight in me. I am a man." Lance Armstrong fought his battle and has proven to be winner (and I believe he has a good lead in the tour de france, right now.)


shakedust said...

It's hard to argue against the wristbands (kind of like refusing to wear an AIDS ribbon), they feel too much like a fad to me. If they are wearing it five years from now, then it is more than a fashion statement.

roamingwriter said...

I do know of several people who are wearing them because they know someone with cancer. In fact my friend that survived stomach cancer got one and has worn it ever since, but doesn't actually say anything about it or the disease. On the other hand, I was given one and decided to pass it along as it didn't really fit with my life and style of clothes.

Dash said...

I got mine from a Royal Ranger that was "shooting" it at people.

After wearing it that evening (to make a point to him), I decided that it felt kind of cool - since I hadn't been wearing a watch for a while.

Notice that I didn't say it was cool - but that it felt good.

I have to admit that I probably would have felt silly wearing a rubber band if I hadn't seen others doing it.

I'm wearing it today as part of my casual friday "outfit".

I know how much Dust likes that word.

f o r r e s t said...

Does your casual Friday outfit include a polo shirt?

Dash said...

Yep and sandals with socks .... i know hoe much you like those.

f o r r e s t said...

I've got my polo on!

GoldenSunrise said...

I wish they made those bands adjustable because they are too big for my wrist. I look silly with it on. Like a little kid.

f o r r e s t said...

I think they make them in different sizes so that little kids and big boned men can take part of the joy.

f o r r e s t said...

I'm not quite sure I am following you???
What do you mean?