Monday, July 25, 2005

The Muuuundays

“Somebody has a case of the Muuuundays”

Sorry, this quote is still fresh in my mind from watching Office Space with my coworkers last Thursday. (We closed the office a little early, set up the movie and had snacks, beverages, and lots of laughs. The Partners also admonished us not to get any ideas.)

Anyway, Mondays are not fun. I should use my Sunday nights better to prepare myself for Mondays, but I don’t, because technically it is still part of the weekend. The problem is that we have an 8:00 staff meeting every Monday morning and they start at 8 SHARP. If too many people walk in a few minutes late, we will be reminded – “everybody, try to make it on time next week.” How is that for pressure on a Monday morning?

This is what helps me fight the Muuuundays:

  • Shave Sunday night. I usually don’t shave during the weekend. If I do it Sunday night, I can shave minutes off of my “gettin’ ready time.”
  • Wake up with the mindset that I need to get ready quicker than usual. This helps me not take such a long shower and doddle in front of the mirror. Focus on the essentials- brush teeth, set hair, put in contacts – anything else would pluck away time.
  • Plan “Work Outfit” ahead of time. Whether it is the night before or in the shower, it is nice to have a game plan of what to put on or else I’ll stand and stare into the closet. You don’t want to get hung-up!
  • Grillin’ Monday. During the warm months a couple guys at my office organize lunch on the grill. They usually grill 3 Monday’s a month. If there is no Grillin’ Monday, preparing one the night before is a nice idea (doesn’t always get done.) Having to prepare a lunch in the morning will eat away the minutes.
  • Slim Fast Shake for breakfast. Just pour the milk, add the powder, and shake so I can make a fast break to the car.
  • Pray that traffic is on your side. When you are in a hurry, you don’t want to get in a jam.

Any other day, I don’t mind being a few minutes late.


windarkwingod said...

I hear ya.
I lay the clothes out and get stuff ready so I can think a little bit. It was always important for me to have 2 hours of serious TV watching after Sunday evening church in order to properly buffer myself. BTW - church here on Sundays nights lasts up to 2.5 hours. Then you MUST visit afterwords for a long while or you haven't been to church at all.

GoldenSunrise said...

Was this a spoof on Dust's blog about a case of the Monday's? The list and the puns make me think so. If it's not, good job following Dust's style.

f o r r e s t said...

No, sorry this was not a spoof of Dust. These are my real honest to goodness thoughts. I would like to spoof Dust some time, but this is not that time. This was inspired by recently watching Office Space and how I dread Monday mornings. I had forgotten the Dust had a post about Mondays.

Remember: Pun = Fun

shakedust said...

I used to be a slim fast shake. Now I am a medium-build prancing dust.

Out of curiosity, what kind of sadist schedules a staff meeting at 8 AM sharp on Monday morning. There should be a law against that sort of thing.

f o r r e s t said...

I know it's horrible...We go over current projects and check hours needed per week. I guess it helps with scheduling.