Over the Rhine found their way back to Kansas City. It has been a while.
They played at the Grand Emporium again and the Grand Emporium has gotten quite a facelift since the last time I was at that venue. It is no longer a grimy blues bar, but now it a swank lounge-like club. They played the Grand Emporium on their Films for Radio tour in 2001. They were suppose to play the Grand Emporium on their Ohio tour, but that night was the night they cancelled their tour to rearrange some personal priorities, and thank goodness because that lead to the beautiful Drunkard's Prayer.
We got a babysitter, called some friends, and headed down to see the music. The club was standing room and seemed to be pretty full. I am always amazed to see who else listens to this band; this band that I first heard when I was 18 back in ’92 at Cornerstone Festival. I have grown through my 20’s (and into my 30’s) with this band and they have grown too! We are both not so young anymore, but I was surprised to see young fans along with older fans. Being that this band has put out amazing music and has a rabid fan base and has always been on the cusp of success, they have never become a household name and I think their fans like it that way.
The show started with the horns/woodwinds opening track of I Don’t Want to Waste Your Time as the band worked their way through the crowd and up onto the stage. You could tell from the very beginning that this was going to be a good show. The fans were into it – hootin’ and hollerin’ at Karin’s words and voice and you know that the band wants to return the favor.
They played quite a few songs from the new album with some older songs sprinkled in. The music was great and I was once again reminded why this is one of my favorite live bands. We were also treated to one of Linfords stories as he introduces The Trumpet Child. The story was something about being a young child, sister Grace’s pony tails, revival tent, the beautiful language of hymns like Softly and Tendlerly, When the Roll is Called on Yonder, the trumpet, rebirth, horn players, music on God’s ipod.
Very good time!
It is nice to do something away from the kids every once in a while. Remind yourself of what life without kids is like.
It would be cool to grow up with a band you like. A little disconcerting when they get very old (like all those people who still follow The Rolling Stones), but there's more good than bad there.
Also, Skipped another number. :) Am I a jerk for pointing that out?
We got a similar speech from Linford here in Portland. Who was the opening act? Did you guys hear Griffin House? I know what you mean about growing up with bands. I've been listening to U2 since the mid 80s. It's great to have artists that grow with you through out your life.
It sounds alot like where we heard them at the Doug Fir. It was a nice venue. I think the lead singer has a very interesting voice and I was surprised at how jazzy they were, never having heard them before the show really.
We are enjoying the album! Thanks!
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