Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Little Skyscraper

My oldest son, who is three, knows that I work downtown in an office. He knows that I am an Architect and in simple terms that I draw buildings so that construction workers can build them.

Last night, I was reading him a new book from the library called the Little Skyscraper. Part of the book featured a boy named Jack who loves to visit the Little Skyscraper and declares that he wants to be an Architect when he grows up. I paused and said to my son “you know that your daddy is an Architect.”

Laying there together in his bed, he looked at me and said “when I grow up, I am going to be an Architect too! Just like you.”

I have been thinking about his statement. It is very sweet and humbling. I am now starting to realize that I am a parent and dad. Technically you become one when your child is born, but being a dad is a role that I grew into instead of switch that I flipped on. I don’t know when it happened – when I became a dad – I just am. And I’ve got two boys and they are growing so fast.

It is very flattering that he wants to be an Architect like me. I won’t hold him to it. He is too young to be making career choices, but he wants to be like me and do the things that I do.


shakedust said...

That's exciting. It isn't something that I had thought about yet, either.

I don't know if I want my son to want to do what I do. He needs to have higher aspirations. :)

GoldenSunrise said...

That statement can probably be sweet and scary at the same time. If your child wants to be just like you, you have to be on your best behavior.

Dust, if our son has your aspirations he will be very successful. : )

windarkwingod said...

He'll probably do whatever he sets his mind to! It will involve KU of course!?