Tuesday, January 17, 2006

radio commercials

Here are some thoughts on a couple of radio commercials that I heard recently on a talk radio station.

  1. In this character driven commercial, a “voice actor” portrayed a grandma voice. Grandma voices kinda freak me out. It is a cartoony voice with the stereotypes of an elderly woman – old, fragile, yet cheerful. But still, it sounds freakishly weird. The grandma voice ranks right up there with the 35 year-old doing the little kid voice. I can handle it when it is a cartoon and I believe the cartoon character sounds like that, but in radio these voice actors are portraying real people.
  1. I heard this line on a commercial against satellite radio: “Radio, you shouldn’t have to pay for it. Brought to you by 13,000 stations across the country who believe that some things were meant to be free.” I might be sympathetic to their cause if I believed that they actually believe that some things were meant to be free. But I bet a majority of the employees, who work for these 13,000 stations across the country, subscribe to cable or satellite television. The argument seems the same to me. Satellite radio offers services that AM/FM does not and if one wants to pay for it that is their choice.


shakedust said...

You're not supposed to stop and think about the commercial. You're suppose to just buy into what is being peddled.

GoldenSunrise said...

On a different note regarding radio..Have you listened to the care-a-thon that our local christian station has every so often to raise funds? One announcer said that they don't charge programs like Focus on the Family any fees to be played over the air. I think they should consider it. How else is the radio station supposed to make it financially? They rely on the listeners to provide their budget. Sure it is an opportunity to give to ministry and a chance to be blessed by God.

Maybe I just have a bad attitude again. But I am not going to be guilted into giving to a radio station just because they don't charge for programs to be played.

meredithia said...

I like goose's paintings. I also can't wait until he's in me and jared's class on sundays. he always seems cool in music.

ooohh and I put up a link to my xanga on my site, but it's www.xanga.com/silverlining21 just incase you were wondering...

and I also put up that music bit for ya.

f o r r e s t said...

He is cool. A bit of a know-it-all, but cool.

Dash said...

I completely agree on the XM thing. In addition to being cable subscribers.....I bet many of them wold go work for an XM outfit in a minute if it meant more moneyand or more creative license.

As for the Grandma voice .... N has a really creepy one.