Wednesday, April 13, 2005

boys and girls and my boys

My wife and I had a conversation last night that she said that I would probably write about. I think I will because it will allow me to post about future mushy/sappy stuff that us guys usually don’t talk about.

She was saying that guys can be guys and when we get together for coffee or something that we can be who we are and not necessarily what our role is. In otherwords, when we get together we talk about whatever we want. Start it off with a little music chat, then on to movies, maybe talk about work, and then get sidetracked by some weird event one of us has experienced. Rarely, do we check up on each others family. How’s your wife? How are the kids? My wife says that women are more relational and when she gets together with girls, first they have to catch up on the family or siblings and then spend a good deal of time talking about “mom things,” “wife things” or even “dog things.” Not always true, but I think in most cases that is the way it is. When Darwin, Fundi, Dust, BB, and I get together we are just guys. I forget that my friends have wives and some of them have kids. We just sit around and talk about whatever pops in our heads. My wife will always ask me when I come home what we talked about and it is always a struggle to remember. And then she may ask me an important question like “how is BB’s wife doing with her pregnancy? Do they know what sex the kid will be? When is the due date?” “I don’t know. I forgot to ask. But BB wants me to go see Moby with him in a couple of weeks. Do you think I can swing that?”

So here is my sappy family story for the girls (guys you can skip if you want.)

I have a project due tomorrow, so I have been working late this week and last. I know I’ll see Shelley and Eliot (baby) when I get home, but I may not spend much time with Ewan (my 2 year old.) Last night I got home around 9 o’clock and Shelley said he might be awake in his bed. So, I went to peek on him and his face lit up when he saw me. In his sweet little voice he said “Daddy, go night night right here” pointing at the pillow right next to his. He wanted me to lay down with him. We stared into each others eyes and I told him that I missed him today and that I thought about him and mommy and Eliot all day long. I made promises that well play together this weekend. I didn’t want to say too much, because he was in his tired state and could easily be energetic again. I rubbed his head a little bit then stopped. He started to rub my head and then my back. After a while, we said our prayers and then I tucked him in “tight” and kissed him goodnight and closed the door behind me. Eliot being a baby just gave me big smiles when he saw me and as I held him. Being a Dad is cool. (For those of you who don’t know about my secret life.)


windarkwingod said...

He's a neat boy! You're lucky to have him! (both!)

shakedust said...

This is exactly the type of information I am supposed to relay after being out with the guys. Maybe I should do a better job of asking about the family stuff than I do.

GoldenSunrise said...

I agree with Shelley about "girl talk." That was a touching story. You should submit it for one of those "Soup for the Soul" books.

Dash said...

I think sunshine might be right about using this for a book submission.

Maybe it could go in that "Chicken Soup for Men That Get Asked What Guys Talk About".

Then again it works for the "Chicken Soup for the Promise Keeping - Jabez Praying - HillSong Singing Man's Soul" too.