One of my favorite forms of entertainment is live music. At my age going to shows is becoming more and more difficult. Late nights (not really a problem for me), family, funds, other interest, conflicts etc. get in the way of going to shows. One of the biggest hurdles is finding someone who is like-minded to go to shows with. Your average mid-30 something guy isn't really into music or at least to the extent of shelling out 10 bucks to check out some obscure indie rock band that you know is on to something but is unknown to the public at large.
This was not problem when Brian was in town. He'd say "show?" I'd say "when?" But he has moved on to Portland and when he comes to visit we always find a good show. This year we have Cure tickets.
I still check the paper to see who is coming through town and have missed many good bands. So, I finally decided to go by myself. This is odd for me. I have always been a "have a friend with you sort of guy." I must admit I have always been afraid of standing around and looking out of place. I remember as a young kid seeing a guy eat alone at a diner and I felt sorry for him. I thought to myself, I will never eat alone (in public)- I can always get it to go and eat alone at home.
I realize now that it is a matter of confidence. So after the kids where tucked in bed, I went to my first show alone. It wasn't bad. When the bands were playing no big deal. The only awkwardness was between bands, when everyone tends to group up with their friends and you try to look purposeful.
I'll definitely do it again, but I will see if Looney or somebody wants to tag along. It is alway more fun to have someone to talk to.
The Seventy Sevens - the Lust, the Flesh, the Eyes, and the Pride of Life
Ladytron - amTV
The Jesus and Mary Chain - I Hate Rock N Roll
The Innocence Mission - Joan
St. Vincent - All My Stars Aligned