Listen here. (check out 23)
This is one of those bands that I have seen around but have never heard their music. I was at a Border's one day to buy a different album and I decide to give Blonde Redhead a sample. I was sold. It sounded like something that I was in the mood for...dreampop!...and it did not disappoint. I have been listening to this album a lot along with Joy Electric's new one. This is a solid album with good songwriting, very enjoyable.
Listen here.
After their last disappointing album, this is a nice return to form...wuss rock in fine form. That was a tag given to British bands like Travis, Coldplay, Keane, Starsailor when they first entered the music scene. You have to remember that this music was up against the nu metal/rap core thing going on in America. This album has been in the family car for a while and I think it has caught my wife's ear...who's this again? Wuss rock in fine form. Closer is a perfect song and Battleships is that itch that won't go away, the kind you like.
Listen here.
I used to be fascinated by Bjork's voice when I was in high school back in 1989. Sadly, her voice has become old hat and has lost it's mystery to me...I think. But, her voice is so unique and sound so much like Bjork, it is hard for me to enjoy it the way it is. I realize that I could be contradicting myself here, so I hold the right to change my opinion later. Bjork's solo career started out with big electronic numbers and music that could make you move, but here last few albums have been more inward and meditative (meaning that they sounded like icicles or music boxes.) Both styles were great and highly creative. The word on the street was that this new album was going to have more energy comparable to here earlier albums. Yes and no. It is a mixture of her earlier and her later. My expectations were a little off, which is okay. Honestly, I haven't listened to it enough all the way through to make an official judgement on the record. I have several other new records that keep calling me. And the other thing about Bjork is sometimes you have to be in the right mood. I think I'll listen tonight.