(I am posting quite a few for you guys since I'll be out all week, so make sure you read all the previous posts. Pace yourself, if you have to.)
Here is a little game for you:
Make up stories about what activities Vernal and I are doing in the comments sections. Make them funny so I'll have a good laugh when I get back.
I really need to go to bed now.
Have a good week.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
202 - the presentation
I have been busy this week at work in preparation for a presentation that we gave yesterday. I had to come up with a design for a new look on these exterior apartments that we are converting to condo's.
Talking with the client/owner earlier, it seemed the wanted to go with and Art Deco style since there are a few existing details that speak that language. I studied and did my research and came up with a solid design. I ended up creating a 3-d computer model of the buildings that my boss wanted to bring on his laptop to show the owners.
So we walked a few blocks to the meeting. We took the elevator up to the 27th floor and set up in the conference room with a spectacular view of downtown. Soon all the big wigs came in and I was walking them through the design that was projected onto the screen.
They loved it. We knocked their socks off. One lady was really excited because the existing building is pretty ugly and didn't think we could do much for it's appearance. My boss was happy because I created this 3-d model (which we don't do as much as we should-so I impressed him with new technology) that portrayed the design in a way that everyone was able to understand and it also happened to be an efficient use of my time.
I'm just glad this stressful week ended on a positive note and thankful for the opportunities to do the design on these little projects. I did not get this type of experience at my former place of employment.
Talking with the client/owner earlier, it seemed the wanted to go with and Art Deco style since there are a few existing details that speak that language. I studied and did my research and came up with a solid design. I ended up creating a 3-d computer model of the buildings that my boss wanted to bring on his laptop to show the owners.
So we walked a few blocks to the meeting. We took the elevator up to the 27th floor and set up in the conference room with a spectacular view of downtown. Soon all the big wigs came in and I was walking them through the design that was projected onto the screen.
They loved it. We knocked their socks off. One lady was really excited because the existing building is pretty ugly and didn't think we could do much for it's appearance. My boss was happy because I created this 3-d model (which we don't do as much as we should-so I impressed him with new technology) that portrayed the design in a way that everyone was able to understand and it also happened to be an efficient use of my time.
I'm just glad this stressful week ended on a positive note and thankful for the opportunities to do the design on these little projects. I did not get this type of experience at my former place of employment.
201 - a painting for doc

Here is a painting I did for my friend, Doc. The real painting isn't as dark as the picture shows. We leave today for vacation in Colorado and we are staying at Doc's condo (the moose lodge) in Silverthorne. We'll be back late Friday night. See you all later.
I really should be sleeping now, but I am always like this before a big trip.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
200 - here it is!
I have been hanging on to this post for a few days. I don't know why? Like is it more special than number #123? So, I am getting it out there and over with. I haven't been posting a lot lately. It's not really lack of material (because I've never had good material), but of being busy and not having much time. I have been more busy than normal, because (1) we are going on vacation this weekend and we need to get ready, (2) all the stuff I need to get done at work before I leave, and the most important reason (3) is all the 2-hour season finales that I tape and watch at 10 pm. I am glad that a lot of my shows are now over, so that I'll have lots of free time this summer.
So, here it is - Post #200 and my ridiculous gift to you is some temporary office sculpture around my desk. Enjoy!
A Sharpie cap, a paper clip, and a screw. The key was to attach them all in a way so that the paper clip cantilevers assymetrically and does not touch the desk nor fall over.
In the office there are all sorts of people - skinny ones, fat ones, bald ones, the yes men, the suits and ties, and the eccentrics. Taking a group photo for marketing purposes is always fun.
Plastic and steel, light and shadows, movement and stillness.
Maybe for the group photo, we can have everyone look up. This way, we eliminate the double chins.
So, here it is - Post #200 and my ridiculous gift to you is some temporary office sculpture around my desk. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 21, 2006
I lost my battery charger
It became apparent to us in the last week that we were missing our camera battery recharger. We have a Cannon Digital Elph and it's recharger is compact and the same size as the camera-good design.
At first, I didn't look to hard for it...it's gotta be around the house somewhere. But as the batteries started dying, the need for the charger called us into duty. I looked everywhere. The two most common areas (if it is not in the camera bag) are either at the computer or in the kitchen where we do the recharging.
I looked over those areas carefully - several times. No luck. Time to think...the cars. It could have slipped out of the camera bag in the car and fallen between the seats. Nope. BB's car. He drove to Lawrence and I had my camera with me. Nope. Is it at my desk at work? No. My jackets? No. Under beds? No. In drawers, on top of dressers, behind furniture. No, no, and no.
This is not good. We have vacation coming up and we need a battery charger. We don't loose things. I went to Best Buy this weekend to see if they have replacements. They do. A brand that is not Cannon, but is made for Cannon batteries and cameras. It's not small and compact. The packaging is big and it looks like it is made of several pieces. It cost forty dollars! I went ahead and bought it, but I kept it in the packaging just in case a new revelation came to one of us about the whereabouts of our battery charger.
That revelation came. "Thinking" plays a big part when trying to find a missing something. Where could it be? And it hit me - a place that I didn't look, but made perfect sense. I was sitting at the computer and I thought what if it fell between the desk and the bed, but got stuck in between? That explains why I didn't see it on the floor. As soon as I thought that I knew it was there. I reached my hand in and felt around. There it was. I felt it's rectangular shape.
I am so relieved. Yes, because I get to return the inferior product and get my money back, but mainly because I like the original charger. I was sad that I was going to lose it forever. Not now.
At first, I didn't look to hard for it...it's gotta be around the house somewhere. But as the batteries started dying, the need for the charger called us into duty. I looked everywhere. The two most common areas (if it is not in the camera bag) are either at the computer or in the kitchen where we do the recharging.
I looked over those areas carefully - several times. No luck. Time to think...the cars. It could have slipped out of the camera bag in the car and fallen between the seats. Nope. BB's car. He drove to Lawrence and I had my camera with me. Nope. Is it at my desk at work? No. My jackets? No. Under beds? No. In drawers, on top of dressers, behind furniture. No, no, and no.
This is not good. We have vacation coming up and we need a battery charger. We don't loose things. I went to Best Buy this weekend to see if they have replacements. They do. A brand that is not Cannon, but is made for Cannon batteries and cameras. It's not small and compact. The packaging is big and it looks like it is made of several pieces. It cost forty dollars! I went ahead and bought it, but I kept it in the packaging just in case a new revelation came to one of us about the whereabouts of our battery charger.
That revelation came. "Thinking" plays a big part when trying to find a missing something. Where could it be? And it hit me - a place that I didn't look, but made perfect sense. I was sitting at the computer and I thought what if it fell between the desk and the bed, but got stuck in between? That explains why I didn't see it on the floor. As soon as I thought that I knew it was there. I reached my hand in and felt around. There it was. I felt it's rectangular shape.
I am so relieved. Yes, because I get to return the inferior product and get my money back, but mainly because I like the original charger. I was sad that I was going to lose it forever. Not now.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
10 May 2006 Depeche Mode
Last Wednesday night, BB and I went to see Depeche Mode at Starlight theater. The opening band was an act called She Wants Revenge. As most of you know it was an interesting evening and Depeche Mode altered their setlist and cancelled the show after 13, when thier lead singer could not make it back to the stage after a reported "medical condition that was not serious." I checked the message boards the night of and the day after to see what was being reported - everything from bad food in Mexico, combined with a day before birthday celebration, resulting in dehydration, to fear of Starlight's bats in the towers, to loss of voice, to sound problems...I haven't checked to see if there was an official report since Thursday. Dispite, all the problems and the shortened set the evening was still fun.
Starlight is such a cool setting for a musical or a rock show.
(Notice the girl in the plastic dress thingy.) These are the types of sacrifices that a late 30 year-old makes to prove she is still as cool or goth as she was in the 80's. I say sacrifices, because the evening was very chilly and I had jeans and a jacket.
Starlight is know for bats in its towers, but who knew that The Count himself was a crazy Depeche Mode fan?
Here are some photos of the show:

Here are some photos of the show:

Thursday, May 11, 2006
who's in your apartment?
Back in the days when we all lived in apartments, would you have noticed if 15 people had been in your apartment earlier that day? Without any sort of notice, would it freak you out if the landlord let a bunch of people in to look around?
Guess what I got to do the other day? Yes, that's right! I was one of about 15 people looking at different occupied apartment units. It is a new project that I'll be working on. We are going to convert the apartments into condos for sale.
It was a strange experience, to be let in on these stragers lives. And they'll probably be none the wiser about our visit. I did think about moving something that would make the tenant question their surroundings, but the landlord was watching carefully. I did take pictures, though. (work related.)
Some units where a mess with clothes all over the place - underwear and bras on the floor. Some lived minimally, and some had flatscreen TV's. I saw money, passports, purses, pictures, books, videogames, cheap furniture, nice furniture, personal artwork. Some units were clean. The biggest surpise was a guy's unit that was spotless and he had about 20 bike in the spare bedroom with a little makeshift bike shop.
...it was interesting.
Guess what I got to do the other day? Yes, that's right! I was one of about 15 people looking at different occupied apartment units. It is a new project that I'll be working on. We are going to convert the apartments into condos for sale.
It was a strange experience, to be let in on these stragers lives. And they'll probably be none the wiser about our visit. I did think about moving something that would make the tenant question their surroundings, but the landlord was watching carefully. I did take pictures, though. (work related.)
Some units where a mess with clothes all over the place - underwear and bras on the floor. Some lived minimally, and some had flatscreen TV's. I saw money, passports, purses, pictures, books, videogames, cheap furniture, nice furniture, personal artwork. Some units were clean. The biggest surpise was a guy's unit that was spotless and he had about 20 bike in the spare bedroom with a little makeshift bike shop.
...it was interesting.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
am I really busy?
Why is it that when I run into someone I haven't seen in a while and we start to catch up...somewhere in the conversation we'll both say "I've been pretty busy lately."
What does that mean...that I have been busy lately? Is it that my days are full of important activities or that they are wasted away by the little things I choose to do?
I go to work, go home, eat, play with the kids, put them to bed, then maybe watch some TV, read a book, go to coffee with friends, or whatever, come home, and go to bed. It is a weekday routine that I guess I enjoy.
So even though I feel bad for not being a good friend - by saying that I have been busy gives me an excuse that says my busyness is more important than you or my busyness is the reason why I haven't called you in a while.
This conviction was brought upon me reading a little note from Ronnie Martin on his band's web site:
I kind of despise the phrase ".....just busy" when you ask someone what they're up to. We all use it, too. It's a blank statement that's used to keep people at a distance and to let them know that being busy indicates that you have some greater purpose in life. It's so rare to meet someone who simply says "I'm not busy, I have nothing to do whatsoever". It's refreshing. It immediately makes you connect with them because they're at a distance that can be reached, or that you'll be brave enough to actually try to reach.
What does that mean...that I have been busy lately? Is it that my days are full of important activities or that they are wasted away by the little things I choose to do?
I go to work, go home, eat, play with the kids, put them to bed, then maybe watch some TV, read a book, go to coffee with friends, or whatever, come home, and go to bed. It is a weekday routine that I guess I enjoy.
So even though I feel bad for not being a good friend - by saying that I have been busy gives me an excuse that says my busyness is more important than you or my busyness is the reason why I haven't called you in a while.
This conviction was brought upon me reading a little note from Ronnie Martin on his band's web site:
I kind of despise the phrase ".....just busy" when you ask someone what they're up to. We all use it, too. It's a blank statement that's used to keep people at a distance and to let them know that being busy indicates that you have some greater purpose in life. It's so rare to meet someone who simply says "I'm not busy, I have nothing to do whatsoever". It's refreshing. It immediately makes you connect with them because they're at a distance that can be reached, or that you'll be brave enough to actually try to reach.
We're not that busy. We choose our activities. We decide our own business. We do exactly what we want to do. On the flipside, I think I despise this generation because they're simply not busy enough.
Monday, May 08, 2006
views from a show
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
April showers forth music
April was a busy month for music and a cheap one. I didn't spend more than $10 dollars on an album. Also, because I won a cash prize at work to help compensate and I redeemed a gift certificate.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe special 2-disc version.
Okay, so this is not music, but I am still watching the special features. I was going thru special feature withdrawel ever since I watched all of the Return of the King 4-disc version. It is good to see that the crew at Weta is still doing their thing. I also missed New Zealand.
The Flaming Lips - At War with the Mystics
I got this albums with some of the prize money I won.
Over the Rhine - Live from Nowhere volume 1
I pre-ordered this album back in December. The band was going to tape some of their Christmas shows and release a live album. It is an independent release, so once it's gone - it is gone.
Morrissey - Ringleaders of the Tormentors
I used the rest of my prize money to buy this one.
Ladytron - Witching Hour
I used an iTunes gift certificate to buy this one.
Imogen Heap - Speak for Yourself
I picked up this album because I was curious and it was dirt cheap.
This month I read Blink by Ted Dekker. Seminole, thanks for the loan. It was a good read and we have already discussed a bit about the book. It is easy to have faith when you can see possible futures, but when that gift is lost, do you loose faith in the one who can change futures?

Okay, so this is not music, but I am still watching the special features. I was going thru special feature withdrawel ever since I watched all of the Return of the King 4-disc version. It is good to see that the crew at Weta is still doing their thing. I also missed New Zealand.

I got this albums with some of the prize money I won.

I pre-ordered this album back in December. The band was going to tape some of their Christmas shows and release a live album. It is an independent release, so once it's gone - it is gone.

I used the rest of my prize money to buy this one.

I used an iTunes gift certificate to buy this one.

I picked up this album because I was curious and it was dirt cheap.

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