Yesterday, I had the chance to witness odd behavior. Maybe there was something in the water or the temperature of the air was just right, but I saw some freaky things on my way home from work.
I left my downtown office and am walking up the block to my car which is parked on a surface parking lot. It’s not really a surface parking lot, but rather the top deck of an under ground parking garage. It feels like a surface parking lot because it’s entrance is on street level and then the sidewalk drops off. I notice a twenty-something guy standing at the top of the concrete wall guard rail up ahead and as I walk buy him I said “hey.” He was just staring over the wall doing nothing. I noticed he had a beer in his hand. He seems like the kind of guy I would see in
Incident #2:
This was interesting and I still don’t know what to make of it. I am on 635 heading south going up the big hill towards
Now playing:
New Order – Waiting for the Sirens Call